Project Overview
Water Treatment Plant Improvements
The Water Treatment Plant Improvements project will provide the City of Claremore an expansion of capacity from 4mgd to 8mgd along with several treatment process upgrades. The completed work will include new influent metering and flow control facilities, influent chemical injection facilities, a new flash mixer/splitter structure, a 3rd solids contact clarifier, two new filters, refurbishing existing filters, enhancements to the existing piping gallery, refurbishing the two existing clarifiers, a new clearwell, a new high service pump station, a new low lift pump station, a new electrical building with electrical distribution and standby power generation, a new aeration blower facility, a filter building refurbishing into an operations/maintenance/electrical building, and refurbished chlorination facilities. The project also includes an associated array of piping enhancements and civil/yard enhancements, together with electrical, instrumentation, and control enhancements to develop a complete and functional facility. The difficulty with this project was dealing with the limited amount of working space due to the Water Treatment Plants boundaries and having a public access road running directly through the center of the project. UCI was able to schedule work and deliveries to allow for the community to continue utilizing the public road to the lake. Throughout the course of the project UCI worked with plant operators and City staff to keep the existing treatment process operational with minimal shutdowns for tie-ins and equipment turnovers allowing the City of Claremore to continue providing the only source of water to the Community.